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Every French region has its specificities. By studying in France, you will discover a diverse country with a rich and multi-cultural history.

Why choose France

Every year, thousands of students choose to study in France, for its teaching, prestigious degrees and world-class institutions.
Campus France Live

Your TV program to discover French Higher Education: overview, agenda, last videos.

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Semaine de la langue française et de la francophonie
Week of French language and Francophonie: the best event to speak out all over the world

Time to speak out! The “Semaine de la langue française et de la Francophonie” (Week of French language and Francophonie), the event for words lovers, focuses from 15 to 17 March on the subject “Prenez la parole” (Speak Out). A way to encourage everyone to speak out and create, in French of course! The highlight of the week is 20 March, the International Francophonie Day, organised on the theme of education.

Journée internationale des droits des femmes 2023
International Women’s Rights Day: equality, diversity and health in higher education

To mark International Women’s Rights Day on 8 March, the French Ministry for Gender Equality has chosen to promote existing initiatives under the Toutes et Tous Egaux (All Equal) interministerial plan, based on three pillars: actions to promote equality in the workplace, dissemination of a culture of equality, and promotion of women’s health. And these actions will affect, each in their scale, the higher education environment.

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